Select your plan
Free for 90
Free for 90 days
0% per transaction
For startups with less than $100 in monthly subscription revenue
All Subscription Maximizers to maximize average order value and revenue
- Standard and prepaid subscriptions
- Customer portal for subscription management
- Limited support
- And more!
After 90 days, or once subscription revenue reaches >$100/mth, you will automatically be moved to the Launch plan
$24.99 billed monthly
2% per transaction
For stores launching a subscription business
All Subscription Maximizers to maximize average order value and revenue
- Standard and prepaid subscriptions
- Customer portal for subscription management
- Priority support
- And more!
Grow (Most popular!)
$49.99 billed monthly
1% per transaction
For stores growing a subscription business
All Subscription Maximizers to maximize average order value and revenue
- Standard and prepaid subscriptions
- Customer portal for subscription management
- Priority support
- And more!
$74.99 billed monthly
.9% per transaction
For stores scaling a subscription business
All Subscription Maximizers to maximize average order value and revenue
- Standard and prepaid subscriptions
- Customer portal for subscription management
- Priority support
- And more!
Custom pricing
For stores with an enterprise-level subscription business doing $1M+ in yearly subscription revenue
Recommended for Advanced/Shopify Plus stores
All Subscription Maximizers to maximize average order value and revenue
- Standard and prepaid subscriptions
- Customer portal for subscription management
- Priority support (+Onboarding, SLA, account manager)
- And more!
For more information, visit our Help Center
Increase revenue at every point of your subscriber’s journey with Bold Maximizers™
Maximizers™ available on all Subscriptions plans:
- Default to Subscribe
- Dynamic Discounts
- Try Before you Subscribe
- Convertible Subscriptions
- Product Add-ons
- Express Add-ons
Unlock more Maximizers™ when you use Subscriptions + Upsell together:
- Subscription Upsells
- Customer Portal Upsells
- Subscription Email Upsells
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Bold Subscriptions pricing work?
We offer a variety of price plans to support businesses of all sizes and at all stages of growth. All plans include all features with varying monthly costs and transaction fees.
To support stores just starting out, Bold Subscriptions offers a ‘Free for 90 days’ plan. This plan is for stores generating less than $100 from subscriptions each month. Once your revenue increases beyond that amount, you are automatically moved to the Launch plan. As a 30-day free trial is available to all stores installing Bold Subscriptions for the first time, you will not be moved to the Launch plan before your 30-day free trial is complete.
You are free to select a different plan at any time.
When does billing begin?
Your recurring billing cycle will begin once your trial period is over. You will not be charged app fees or transaction fees during the trial period.
How do my fees work if I process my orders annually or quarterly?
Monthly fees apply monthly, regardless of when you process your orders. Transaction fees apply only when orders are processed. Transaction fees are charged on all orders that include a subscription product.
How do I upgrade or downgrade from my current plan?
You can change your plan at any time by going to the Accounts & Billing page.
For more information, visit our Help Center