
Bold Subscriptions supercharged+

Featuring Govalo: The gift that keeps on giving
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The gift that keeps on giving

There's only one thing better than subscribing to something you absolutely love and that's gifting a subscription you love! It’s never been easier to offer Gift Subscriptions with the new integration between Govalo and Bold Subscriptions. 

Govalo with Bold Subscriptions adds a new way to sell subscriptions to customers, opening up an additional revenue stream for your subscriptions.

What's best of all? When the gifted period runs out, the recipient can opt to keep the subscription recurring but billed to their own credit card. Which is exactly what you want in the end, another subscriber.

Join Jay Myers, Co Founder of Bold Commerce and Rhian Bueutler, Founder & CEO of Govalo where they’ll discuss:

  • What is Govalo and how it works with Bold Subscriptions
  • What's different about selling a gift subscription vs a regular subscription?
  • Strategies to turn subscription gift recipients into long term subscribers
  • Tips for offering gift subscriptions for the upcoming holiday gifting season
  • Brand spotlights (Gift Subscriptions done well)
  • Live Q&A
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Jay Myers

Co-Founder, Bold Commerce

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Rhian Beutler

Co-Founder, Govalo

Bold Subscriptions supercharged+

Featuring Govalo: The gift that keeps on giving
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