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Press Release

Meet the new Bold brand

November 17, 2022

TL; DR We’ve changed our logo, colors, typeface, visuals and messaging to be bolder.

Today we’re launching a brand refresh. We have given our visual identity a makeover, and our voice and messaging has been updated to express who we are, what we do, and why it matters.

Time to take a Bold next step

We started Bold Commerce over 10 years ago with a simple focus: to extend commerce platform capabilities with technology that helps brands grow, and to deliver great service along the way.

With ecommerce acceleration came changes in shopper expectations and new challenges for retailers and brands. We, in turn, evolved to focus on the stage of the shopper journey that was holding them back from innovation and growth – the checkout experience.

Today Bold enables thousands of leading brands to convert more shoppers in more places – through a suite of solutions anchored by Bold Checkout, plus built in subscriptions and price rules capabilities, and a growing ecosystem of third party integrations and agency partners.

And now, we have evolved our brand identity to mark this transformation, informed by what we have learned by listening to customers, partners and our own team, and inspired by our belief that checkout experiences need to be better.

“As we evolved as a company and advanced our focus on the checkout experience, we needed to evolve the way we presented ourselves in the market as well.”

- Yvan Boisjoli, Co-Founder

Living up to our name

Since day one at Bold, we have pushed the boundaries of ecommerce, building products, services and a team that thrives on the success of the customers we serve.

But one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years — until now — was our brand identity itself.  And while our core values remain the same, who we serve and what we offer has evolved.

We set out on discovery with a list of what, why, how questions with customers, prospects, partners, and our team. Our enthusiasm was fueled by a theme that emerged early on across all stakeholder groups: Bold needed to be bolder.

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We admit, our previous brand identity — while a nod to our origin — needed some improvements, and some tidying up. We wanted more depth and focus in brand identity around our core offering, the Bold Checkout Experience Suite, and with the runway to evolve.

Discussions with internal stakeholders gave us a better idea of how we wanted to be perceived, but it was the conversations with partners and customers that helped us understand more deeply what they valued from Bold.

Bold Commerce Image

Getting to the core of it

Stakeholder findings and insights informed our positioning. We were laser focused on getting to the point of difference that is most compelling to our audience and what they want from us. Ultimately, we translated it into our core message: Checkout Without Limits.

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In an era of commerce where brands are leaving money on the table at checkout, Bold is doubling down on our commitment to help brands convert more shoppers in more places with checkout experiences, subscription programs, and price rules capabilities that are optimized, not one-sized.

To that end, we set our sights on visuals and messaging that better matches what we’ve become: checkout champions empowering brands to be bold, not bound by boxed-in solutions, and free to extend beyond platform capabilities.

And what better way to bring this to life than an energetic visual language.

A Bold visual identity

The all-important logo work was first up. In logo design, the more simple you can make something the more you can apply it in a broad array of applications.  The power of the four letters of Bold lent itself to so many possibilities, and we landed on a wordmark logo that reflects the open, flexible, transformative and exciting possibilities Bold technology delivers.

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Within a sea of blue SaaS technology brands, leaning in further to own red as a bold, energetic, confident hue, was a natural choice.

The unbound adaptive logo then informed the balance of shapes and illustration in our visual system, and we layered it with simple, clean typography.

Bold Commerce Image

A bolder voice

Pairing our visual identity with voice was the magical part.

Let’s face it, checkout is a brand’s make or break moment.  Brands are investing across the shopper journey to squeeze an ounce more of conversion potential at every stage, only to give back those gains due to friction in the checkout. On top of checkout abandonment, many are missing out on the opportunity to put checkout at the point of discovery, leaving even money on the table.  And until now, the cost and complexity made checkout changes risky business for brands, especially those stuck on legacy tech.

Bold’s Checkout Experience Suite is the answer to these very real checkout challenges. So we looked to evolve to an informal, relatable, insider voice to drive that home. Here’s a few messaging samples to illustrate.

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Bold Commerce Image
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With our updated website, we’ve added new content to highlight the capabilities and use cases of the Bold Checkout Experience Suite, and to feature customer stories that demonstrate the impact of our solutions on their growth and innovation.  We’ve also included featured integrations from our growing ecosystem of solution and technology partners, as well as the advantages of building with MACH certified solutions such as ours.

Bold outlook

Our goal with this brand refresh was to communicate in a clear, relatable, and engaging way – honoring our past and projecting a strong vision of the future. We think it's an identity reflective of how we’ve evolved, and our potential.

The work that went into this was a cross team effort, backed by the amazing talent on our   marketing team.

If you’ve got questions about Bold, we’d love to connect.

Written by Deanna Traa
Deanna is a Bold builder, ​passionate about checkout and all things shopping.