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How to solve composable commerce challenges

Bold Commerce Image
Anatolli Iakimets

Director, Product Marketing

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Composable Commerce benefits and challenges

Composable commerce is an approach that combines multiple best-of-breed products into a unified commerce solution. This method relies heavily on APIs and an open architecture, enabling seamless integration between various systems and services. By leveraging composable commerce, businesses can achieve significant benefits:

  • Flexibility: Businesses can select and combine the best components for their specific needs rather than relying on a monolithic system.
  • Scalability: It allows for the independent scaling of each component, optimizing performance and cost-efficiency.
  • Customization: Companies can tailor their commerce stack to align perfectly with their unique business requirements and customer experiences.
  • Speed: Faster implementation and updates as individual components can be modified or replaced without disrupting the entire system.
  • Innovation: Encourages constant innovation, as new technologies and services can be integrated without major overhauls.

Implementing composable commerce poses significant challenges for businesses. It involves integrating various third-party applications from different vendors, each with unique configurations and requirements. This complexity demands substantial technical expertise and resources to ensure these systems work together harmoniously. Unlike monolithic solutions with pre-integrated components, composable commerce lacks established best practices for integration, leading to time-consuming and costly custom solutions. The absence of standardized approaches results in high costs, increased risks, and slower time to market, as businesses must invest heavily in development, testing, and troubleshooting, making the process arduous and potentially delaying deployment in competitive markets.

Solution Library

A Solution Library is an effective approach to address the challenges of implementing composable commerce. It provides a comprehensive collection of documentation, guides, and artifacts designed to facilitate the integration of third-party products into a cohesive checkout solution. By leveraging a Solution Library, businesses can realize several key benefits:

  • Faster time to market: Pre-defined integration paths and best practices reduce the need for extensive trial and error, enabling quicker deployment.
  • Reduced costs and risks: Proven methods and readily available resources minimize the financial and operational risks associated with custom integration efforts.
  • Use-case based approach for fast ROI: Solutions tailored to specific needs and scenarios ensure a quicker return on investment, enhancing commerce operations' efficiency and effectiveness.

Solution Library is structured around three key solution types. We’ll dive more into these in the following section.

  1. Blueprints: Blueprints provide architectural guidance on integrating Bold with third-party applications, facilitating swift integration. It also aids in the development of novel checkout flows.
  2. Example Projects: Example Projects include boilerplate code, serving as a rapid starting point for both integrations and the creation of checkout flows.
  3. Bold- Built Integrations: Bold offers a range of ready-to-use integrations that seamlessly work in conjunction with Bold Checkout, providing an efficient, out-of-the-box solution.


A Blueprint is designed to streamline the process of integrating a technology into the Bold Checkout ecosystem. It includes an architectural diagram that outlines the overall structure, a detailed list of requirements, and a comprehensive step-by-step guide that simplifies the integration process. This resource is particularly valuable for agencies, as it enables them to efficiently create integrations without the need to start from scratch. By following the Blueprint, agencies can save time and resources, ensuring a smoother and more effective integration process.

Example Projects

The Example Project builds on the Blueprint concept by adding something very practical: code samples. While the Blueprint gives you the architecture layout, a guide, and useful links, the Example Project takes it a step further. It provides ready-to-use code snippets and references public code repositories. Starting with this code saves developers time and headaches.

Bold-Built Integrations

Bold offers many ready-to-use connections with the most important third-party apps. These integrations don't need any extra work to set up, so any brand or agency can start using them right away. This makes things much simpler because there's no need for any special coding or technical work. It's a straightforward way for businesses to link up with key apps quickly and without hassle, letting them focus on their main goals without getting bogged down in technical details.

Growing Partner Ecosystem

Bold Solution Library helps create a proliferating partner ecosystem by streamlining the integration process and expanding partner reach. By providing comprehensive documentation, guides, and artifacts, the Solution Library allows partners to avoid spending time creating custom integrations from scratch, enabling them to focus on enhancing their core offerings. This expanded presence not only enhances their visibility but also opens up new business opportunities and fosters stronger collaborations within the commerce ecosystem.

  • Efficient Integration: Partners avoid spending time on out-of-the-box integrations, allowing them to focus on their core offerings.
  • Increased Reach: Inclusion in multiple Solution Libraries increases partner footprint across various platforms and solutions.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Opportunities: Expanded presence opens up new business opportunities and fosters stronger collaborations within the commerce ecosystem.

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About the author
Bold Commerce Image

Anatolli Iakimets

Director, Product Marketing

Anatolli Iakimets is a Director, Product Marketing at Bold Commerce

One-size-fits-all checkout is dead. It pays to be Bold.

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